Tuesday, May 31, 2011



Author: Bhalachandra Nemade
Genre: Fiction
Language: Marathi
Pages: 265
Cost: 225 Rs.
Publisher: Popular Prakashan
First Published: 1963

Bhalchandra Nemade was recently in the news for his controversial book “Hindu” which was as name suggests based on Hindu Religion. “Kosala” is one of the most famous but lesser controversial novel by Bhalchandra Nemade. This book has been translated in many other languages. It has been published in Hindi, Gujrati, Kannada, Assami, Punjabi, Bengali, Urdu, Orria and English. Kosala is not regular factious novel. Bhalachandra Nemade did some experiment in novel writing in 1963 and it worked out quite well.

The book narrates the journey of a young man and his friends through his college years. It is an account of years spent by a protagonist. He is from rural Maharashtra, comes to Pune to pursue higher studies. The best part of this novel is, that there is no romance or any emotional drama involved. If anything there in this book, it has hardcore cynicism. Anyone who had tested failure in life will able to understand the cynicism of the central character. But it is a must read book never the less. If I have to rate this book, I will give it 9 out of 10.

Monday, May 23, 2011


·       maanasaica~ao (1946)
·       kDU AaiNa gaaoD (1948)
·       navyaa vaaTa (1950)
·       k bautaro (1952)
·       gaaopauraMcyaa pa`doSaata (1952)
·       talaavaatalao caaMdNao (1954)
·       ilalaIcao fula (1955)
·       vaogaLo jaga (1958)
·       saataa samaud`apalaIkDo (1959)
·       gauNaak ar (1965)
·       AazvaNa (1978)
·       {d\Qvasta ivaSva (1982)
·        Crazy Bombay (1991)
·       eka maMugaIcao mahaBaarta (1992)
·       saata majalao hasyaacao (1994)
·       dud-mya
·       saaihtyaatalao maanadMD
·       KaDk  AaiNa paaNaI
·       maMuba[- AaiNa mauMba[-k r
·       BaaopaLa, baayakao AaiNa DaoMbalaM
·       BararI
·       safr
·       bahurMgaI risak taocaI
·       paaca naaiTka
·       pa`arMBa
·       ASaa cataur baayaka
·       AamhI Aapalao QaDQaaopaT
·       baMDU ibalaMdr zrtaao
·       baugaDI maaJaI saaMDlaI gaM
·       caIna: ek ApaUva- AnauBava
·       baMDU naanaU AaiNa gaulaabaI httaI
·       snaohlataa baMDUlaa Amaoirkota naotao
·       baMDU, jagaU AaiNa Katarnaak  Abdullaa
·       paaNyaavarcaI AXaro
·       baabaaMcaM kilaMgaD AaiNa maulaIcaa svaoTr
·       ekokIcaI k qaa
·       gaMQava-yauga
·       kajavaa
·       naayagaaracao naadba`mh
·       ihmamaya Alaaska
·       baMDU naaTk  krtaao
·       baMDU maaokaT sauTtaao
·       hasa%yaa k qaa
·       gaMgaaQar gaaDgaILaMcyaa inavaDk  ifr@yaa
·       mauMba[-cyaa navalak qaa
·       laMbyaacavaD\yaa  gaaoYTI
·       baMDUcao gaupacaupa
·       maharaYT/acao pa`Sna: kahI paaKaMDI ivacaar
·        The Throttled Street and Other Stories
·        Women And Other Stories
·        Husbands & Pumpkins & Other Stories

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Quotes from book: KROUNCHVADH

Quotes from Book “Krounchvadh”

·       “lahanapaNaI JaaDalaa TaMgalaolyaa JaaopaaLyaavar basaUna {Mca Jaaoko  Gaotaanaa svaga- AgadI javaL Asalyaacaa saaXaatkar hao{]na maaJao mana AanaMdanao fulaUna jaata Asao; paNa Aataa? Aataa Jaaoka iktaIhI {Mca gaolaa tarI AakaSa AapalyaapaasaUna far far dUr Aaho yaacaI jaaNaIva hao{]na maaJao mana {dasa hao{]na jaatao.”
·       “DaoLyaaMtalyaa paaNyaanao manauYya svata:cyaa hRdyaataIla Aagasauwa SaaMta kr] Sak ta naahI.”
·       “maaNausa Aapalyaa [valyaa AaSaaMcao baMgalao baaMQata Asataao! AaiNa dOva? dOva ek  KaaoDkr maUla Aaho. tao icamauklao baMgalao paaDNyaata tyaalaa ivalaXaNa AanaMd haota Asataao. ”
·       “ima~aacyaa maRtyaUpaoXaahI maO~aIcao marNa AsaHya Asatao.”
·       “maaNasao janmaalaa yaotaata; paNa maaNausakI inamaa-Na kravaI laagatao.”
·       “AayauYyaata laZa[-ta nakao Asalaolao Anaok  tah maaNasaalaa kravao laagataata.”
·       “klaa hI BaUtakalaacaI knyaa, vata-maanakalaacaI patnaI AaiNa BaivaYyakalaacaI maataa Asatao mhNao!”

Author: Vi. Sa. Khandekar
Book: Krounchvadh (1942)

Sunday, May 1, 2011



Author: Meena Prabhu
Genre: Travelogue
Language: Marathi
Pages: 374
Cost: 300 Rs.
Publisher: Mauj Prakashan Gruh
First Published: 6th April 2008

Gatha Irani is travelogue written by Meena Prabhu while her trip to Iran. Before talking about the contents of the book, I will like to mention that I really like the cover of the book.
Iran is very interesting and rich country historically, culturally and recently politically also. Most travelers are not keen to go to Iran due to their hostile Government which makes even travelers comply their religious rules. Like all women cover their head all the time at all cost and many more. So Iran is generally difficult for travelers, author also had her doubts before going to Iran. But she did state in her book that although the Government of Iran is hostile, people of Iran are not. They are very welcoming and good host. Like all Islamic countries in world, there is turbulence in general Iran public. We will get to know people of Iran, culture of Iran and History of Iran through this book. And that’s what I loved most about Meena Prabhu’s books. She just explores the soul of the country, you feel like you are traveling with her. I read most of her books now and I don’t feel like I had enough. I can’t wait to get hold of another of her books.
If I have to rate this book, I will give it 9 out of 10.
